“It’s not really important what color your dress is. What matters is the heart inside it.” – Kokiri

Monday, February 1, 2010

New To Me

Hi everybody,

So in case you haven't figured it out yet, I am new to blogging and LOVING it. I love finding other creative people out there and seeing what is going on. I decided that I would try a new look since I wasn't happy with the last one......what do you think?? I may tweak it a little more before I settle. I am having fun playing with my new toy though. I promise that I will post some pictures as soon as I figure out my camera situation......I mean who wants to read a blog for the words, right??

Also, through some other blogs I have been following I found The Handmade Pledge and The Thrifty 365 Pledge...........you can find the links over there on the side of my blog. (I would do that cool thing where you link the page to the words so you can click right on them, but I haven't figured out how yet. You should definitely cruse over and check them out and the blog they come from - great stuff!) 

Anyway, both go along with where I am at right now in life....and where I want to be in the future. It will be hard to shift from the ease of consumerism.........or would be if I wasn't already in the poor house. :) It will be interesting to find ways to incorporate these ideas into the start up of my new business. Speaking of, I am still working on the website and am on occasion experiencing some self doubt - but only every once in a while and I refuse to give into it! My goal is to have it up and running this week. I am also starting a new blog about my brand spanking new hobby..........jogging. (As soon as I get it going, I will post a link here) I assure you that it will be comical (if you know me, you know why!).......but I will save that for there. I hope you will join me over there too.  

Okay, so far these are the things that I am working on to be more thrifty.

* I started cloth diapering my fish exclusively.
* I upped the ante on that last one and am now using only cloth wipes too.
* I started sewing the first of many new outfits for him from a pattern I already own and am using only my previous cloth diaper scraps as fabric. 
* I will sew from my stash first and only buy new fabric if it is necessary and on sale.
* I vow to buy no new patterns. 
* I will search high and low in thrift stores for my notions. (wish me luck on that one!)

Ok there are way more ways to be thrifty and I will mention them as I think of them - but I am having a brain freeze.......so more later, promise! For now, check out the cool vintage Simplicity pattern I am using for his jumper. ( Again, I will put up finished pics when I am done.)

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful to meet a gal who shares so many of my interests and who strives to sew green! LOVE your blog :)

